Voter Attitudes Toward the Proposed Downtown Housing Development
Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin, Metz & Associates (FM3) recently completed a survey of 365 Eureka voters, to assess their views on the City of Eureka’s proposal to build new affordable housing on nine existing parking lots in Downtown. The results show that voters are divided on the proposal. As they learn more about the issue, opposition grows, and a broad majority indicate support for an alternative site. Key findings include:
1. A majority of voters oppose the City’s proposal to replace nine parking lots with affordable housing for low-income residents.
2. After an exchange of arguments describing the pros and cons of the project, opposition grows.
3. Voters find messaging in opposition to the proposal much more convincing than arguments in favor of it.
4. Most people travel to downtown Eureka by car and a majority don’t think there is sufficient parking in downtown.
5. Additionally, while a majority say downtown is well-maintained, they view homelessness as a very serious problem, and less than half say they trust city government to do what is right for downtown.
6. Three in five feel unsafe walking in downtown at night.

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